Greetings, and Welcome to The Small Shoppe

After the example of my Chestertonian mentor, Dr. R. Kenton Craven, I here offer my ponderings and musings for your edification and/or education.

You are welcome to read what is written here, and encouraged to do so. Appropriate comments may well be posted.

Michael Francis James Lee
The Not-so-Small Shoppe-Keeper

Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Great Abomination, standing where it ought not

"When therefore you shall see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place: he that readeth let him understand. Then they that are in Judea, let them flee to the mountains: And he that is on the housetop, let him not come down to take any thing out of his house: And he that is in the field, let him not go back to take his coat." (Matthew 24:15-18)

A friend of mine sent me a message the other day inquiring as to what might be the reaction of the Holy Father to the decision yesterday of "The Episcopal Church USA," in which they authorized bishops to bless same-sex unions.

While I worded my response kindly, my gut-feeling is that the Holy Father will give this about as much attention as if it had been a decision reached by a group of WICCANS during a break from tree & shrub hugging. The Episcopal Church USA is as much of a non issue as anything can possibly be. While I feel deeply for the innocent faithful who have been sore wounded by the wanton apostasy and heresy of their church, the shameful truth must be told.

The Episcopal Church USA is not a "church" in the Christian understanding of that word. Of the essential 4 Marks which identify the True Church established by Jesus Christ; One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic; I submit that the Episcopal Church USA bears not one.

The Episcopal Church USA, first off, is not "one." Not only is it relegated to some sort of observer or affiliate status within the world-wide Anglican Communion, but it is openly at war with its own dioceses--and within dioceses it wages legal wars against parishes and clergy. There is no oneness of faith either; as has always been the case in Anglicanism, one can believe nearly anything (or, even nothing) and be faithful. Teachings vary from priest-to-priest, and from diocese-to-diocese. Nothing is absolutely wrong, it seems, and nothing is always right. If there is any oneness to be found in the Episcopal Church it is the singular lack of unity which is most notable.

The Episcopal Church USA is not "holy." It has repeatedly espoused as holy the very things condemned as profane and evil in the Holy Scriptures. The ranks of its clergy are filled with divorced and remarried persons, homosexuals, pedophiles (surprised?), trans-gendered persons, and every imaginable abomination. It's official pro-gay-agenda organ, Integrity, has literally engineered the last several "General Conventions" of the church. Two conventions ago, when its present presiding bishop was elected, the Episcopal Church rejected a resolution which reaffirmed that the scriptures of the old and new testament are the written Word of God. They have rejected scripture, and have called holy those things which are not holy.

The Episcopal Church is not "Catholic." It is not even "catholic," nor *catholic. No matter how you couch or twist the term, this church is not a Catholic body. It neither has nor shares in anything remotely universal, with the glaring exception of sin. Dressing up in the liturgical garb does not make one Catholic. The Episcopal Church has far more in common with Unitarianism than with any "brand" of Catholicism. Unitarians in vestments--are yet Unitarians.

The Episcopal Church is not "Apostolic." While clinging ceremoniously to the laying on of hands from one bishop to the next, this outward show accomplishes absolutely nothing. The Episcopal Church does not now intend to do what The Church intends to do when The Church ordains and consecrates. Lacking that singular intention of ordaining priests and bishops into the sacrificial priesthood of Jesus Christ, the Episcopal Church has no valid claim to Apostolic Succession, despite its rigorous defense of the so-called pipeline theory in which valid consecration simply flows or trickles down through the generations--apparently regardless of intention. Aside from the question of valid ordination, the Episcopal Church USA cannot be Apostolic simply because it has rejected the clear and consistent teachings of the Apostles and of the Apostolic Fathers.

There are indeed orthodox Anglicans. There are Anglicans who likely possess valid orders. The Episcopal Church USA is no legitimate home for such persons of faith--nor has it been for many years. The Episcopal Church USA has--by design--become a pagan sex-cult. Wanton sexual perversion--and the official blessing of it has replaced Christ as its cornerstone. It has become an anti-church; a dark and distorted shadow church.

The "Good Ship Episcopal" is mortally damaged, and is going only one place--down to the bottom. To sit stubbornly in her deck chairs hoping to be saved is spiritual suicide. The faithful among her members should have long ago made their way to the lifeboats; to not do so now is inexcusable. Some will simply put blindfolds on, turn up the music, and go down with the ship; that is their choice of course, but I do not--and cannot respect them for doing so.

Orthodox Anglicans will find no hope in their association with the See of Canterbury, for she is taking on murky water as well. They will need to do serious soul searching, and tether themselves to a vessel that is not sinking--or they too, at length, shall dwell in the dark abyss of shame and abomination.


  1. I am in wholehearted agreement. TEC is a laughingstock and a byword in Christianity. Although an orthodox Anglican priest, I have the utmost respect for the Holy Father and his teachings. I am sure that it must grieve him to see the folly that is taking place within TEC but I am sure that he rejoices that many orthodox Episcopalians are now swimming the Tiber to come hom to Rome.

  2. I saw all this happening during my two year sojourn among the Episcopalians. At the end of those two years, the Episcopal bishops voted to ordain women and ditch the old prayerbook. I went out the door. Well said, Michael!
