Greetings, and Welcome to The Small Shoppe

After the example of my Chestertonian mentor, Dr. R. Kenton Craven, I here offer my ponderings and musings for your edification and/or education.

You are welcome to read what is written here, and encouraged to do so. Appropriate comments may well be posted.

Michael Francis James Lee
The Not-so-Small Shoppe-Keeper

Monday, August 3, 2009

Where Have all the Catholics gone? or How the Traditonal Catholics may Save Catholicism

With due apologies to Pete Seeger and Joe Hickerson:

Where have all the Catholics gone?
Long time passing;
Where have all the Catholics gone?
long time ago;
Where have all the Catholics gone?
They've all gone secular;
When will they ever learn?
When will they ever learn?

This blog post has been "brewing" for a bit, and while I am sure it would continue to improve, like a good Irish Stout, with a bit more time in the barrel, I have decided to open the tap now, and share it with my friends...and even my enemies.

I begin with a few examples of Catholic "know-nothings" which have brought me nearly to the point of screaming and pulling out my few remaining hairs --

1) "Catholics" who really don't have a clue as to why on earth the Godparents for their children should be Catholics;

2) A Hispanic family who tried to arrange a quinceanera (15th birthday blessing) for their daughter--at a local Catholic parish-- but didn't want anything "Catholic," because most of their family doesn't go to Church anymore;

3) "Catholics" who get their dander up at the funeral of a loved one, because the celebrant dares to gently explain that only Catholics "who are able" may receive Holy Communion;

4) "Catholics" who turn their attention "on" when the entrance song for Mass begins, and turn it "off" again after the closing song -- after all, the show's over;

5) "Music Ministers" who choose songs which are far more focused on the people than on God -- or, even worse, songs which are worded as though the singer is God;

6) "Catholic Catechists" who use non-catholic versions of the bible to teach Catholic Children;

7) "Music" selections for the Mass, which have all the musical depth and breadth of the Barney Theme Song, or perhaps the Oscar Meyer Wiener jingle;

8) Deacons, Priests, and Bishops who fail to faithfully transmit the teachings and discipline of our Holy Catholic Faith--some even using their collars to legitimize their contradiction of Church teachings;

9) Priests who allow known and celebrated members of the Masons to have funerals in the Catholic Church -- with Masonic emblems brought into the Church for the Mass;

10) Deacons and Priests who close their eyes to the fact that many of their "marriage prep" couples are living together--having sexual relations--and have been continuously receiving Holy Communion in their parishes;

11) Priests who tell their congregations that the "Catechism of the Catholic Church" is not a binding document; despite John Paul II promulgating it "by virtue of my apostolic authority" as "a statement of the Church's faith and of Catholic doctrine..." and declaring "it to be a sure norm for teaching the faith..."; and

12) Masses that are "noisy," leaving no time whatever for silence, and feeding a growing lack of reverence that encourages behavior appropriate to a sports venue.

Where have all the Catholics gone?

To be sure, there are yet many Catholics among us. I regret to say that I believe them to be -- at least in this country -- in the minority. By this, I do not mean that the parishes are entirely populated by people of 'bad will.' I do mean that many parishes are led and populated by people of ignorance -- ignorance of the Catholic Faith.

This ignorance is the result both of poor catechesis and willful laziness. These two are malevolent twins which prowl about seeking souls to devour. The poor catechesis itself is a combination of actual mal-intent and sloth. There really are those within the Catholic Church who are driven by what they perceive is an opportunity to create the "American Catholic Church" after the image of their socio-political ideology. Their liturgical color is green (of course), climate change and carbon footprints are their favorite gospels, and their sacrament is a blend of forced inclusivity and tolerance (of anything except orthodoxy). These "teachers" are actually evil, and I now understand why Catholics in increasing numbers are home-schooling their children in religious education.

The majority of poor catechesis these days, however, comes from well-intentioned but ignorant catechists. They have taken their courses, and earned their "certifications," but they know precious little of the Catholic Faith. On more than one occasion I have stumped a so-called catechist by asking him (or her) to list three vital differences between Catholicism and Methodism. Most often I have been responded to with silence, or something with the theological depth of "well, they don't believe in Mary."

The ignorance with which these catechists operate is, to some degree, the fault of those who catechised them -- or better perhaps, those who failed to do so. That being said, this ignorance is -- to a greater degree -- a product of their own laziness. When people have within their reach the means of learning and knowing the Truth, and do not do so, they assume the fault for their ignorance. Why am I among a minority because I own, read, and use a copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church? Why am I among an even smaller minority of those who own, read, and use a copy of the Documents of the Second Vatican Council? If I have been able to find these treasures, can they really be so well hidden from the rest of the Church? This says nothing of the many other, timeless, and dependable sources of Catholic teaching which are available at our fingertips. But, to read them takes a certain commitment; and sloth mitigates against commitment.

It is so much less bother to "just let people be people." Why "rock the boat" by telling a couple they need to stop having sex, and live separately before they can begin marriage preparation? Someone answered this for me recently by saying "If we did that, we'd have no weddings at all here -- we'd just turn everybody off." My God! I could hardly believe what I heard. I am reminded of the words of Chesterton, "the religion which begins by including everyone ends by converting no one."

We have come through 45 years of bland, secular catechesis. That is to blame for much of the ignorance we now carry about in place of Catholicism. Our laziness kicks in because of the spiritual atrophy brought about by these years of semi-pious fluff. It's "too darn hard to start over and learn about being a Catholic now! I'm sure God understands! We just need to treat people as we would like to be treated, and everything will be fine." And, sadly, for many "catholics," the foregoing has become their operative creed.

Thanks be to God for the pontificate of His Holiness Benedict XVI. We are standing at a crossroads, a turning point for the future of the Catholic Church. Our seminaries are once again, albeit slowly, filling with students attracted to orthodoxy; young men who bravely respond to the call to live and proclaim Love in Truth.

Fortunately, there are still Catholics who follow faithful priests. Many of these "sheep" come from a pasture long neglected by the more progressive types; "the traditional Catholics." These are those, who have clung to the teachings of the Catholic Church, often at great cost and sacrifice. They have taught it to their children--and to their children's children. They have learned and practiced the "old truth" which the Church has always taught as The Truth, and they are willing and happy to follow holy priests who will proclaim it in love and faithfulness. Within the ranks of these "traditional Catholics," are those who have maintained the True Faith within the so-called modern church, and those who sought refuge and strength in the celebration of the traditional Latin Mass --with the sanction of the Holy See and their bishops. As the Irish monks have lately been credited with saving civilization by their careful preservation of the great elements of human culture, so these traditional Catholics may well be credited one day with saving Catholicism for a world which so desperately needs it.

With apologies to typing teachers of old, "Now is the time for all good Catholics to come to the aid of their Church." The choice is yours! The decision is yours! The Truth is learnable and knowable. The resources are many. This is a call to arms! Adults; educate yourselves in the faith. Read, Study, Pray. Teach the True Faith; the Holy Catholic Faith, to your children. Support, encourage, and pray for good, holy priests who bravely follow and proclaim the teachings of the Catholic Church. And, do not shrink from confronting those who teach falsely. Confront respectfully and charitably, but do confront; you are responsible for whatever you allow.

To Arms! For God and His Holy Church! For our Blessed Lord, our Blessed Lady, and the Holy Company of Saints! Be Not Afraid! Be Catholic!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mike,

    You said nothing here that would not easily transfer to liberal anglicanism.

