I know that some of my Facebook Friends and some of my In Real Life Friends will find this difficult to read. Please know that I am a former devotee of the "Pieta Prayerbook" as well. Since my return to the Catholic Church in 2007, I have been extremely vigilant against anything that may sew the seeds of disobedience or rebellion. Most such things are subtle; that is how Satan often works. He leads us astray with things that seem good, innocent, even holy. Sometimes, these things look so good and so holy that we "cut them some slack" if they're just a "little bit disloyal" to the Church.
The Pieta Prayerbook exists in direct violation of a decision rendered in 1954 with the approval of His Holiness Pope Pius Xll, that the so-called 15 promises made to St. Bridget are not of supernatural origin, and are not to be published nor disseminated.
As if this were not reason enough for faithful Catholics to avoid this book, it also contains unapproved private revelations presented as facts.
So "What's the big deal?" The acceptance and use of this book breeds disloyalty, disobedience, and rebellion. It introduces confusion among the faithful. It is the responsibility of the Teaching Authority of the Church to rule on matters of faith and morals; and this is for an important reason: Satan is out to destroy the Church - cf: Revelation 12: 17. He will do this by trying to separate the sheep from the shepherd. To separate us, he will teach us to trust our own judgment over that of our shepherd. He will teach us first to disregard, then to disobey, then to rebel.
Please read the following carefully. I offer this out of serious concern for the souls of many of my Catholic friends who are innocently being led astray by the use of this so-called prayerbook. Feel free to contact me directly with any questions.
In aliquibus locis divulgatum est opusculum quoddam, cui titulus "SECRETUM FELICITATIS - Quindecim orationes a Domino S. Birgittae in ecclesia S. Pauli, Romae, revelatae", Niceae ad Varum (et alibi), variis linguis editum.
Cum vero in eodem libello asseratur S. Birgittae quasdam promissiones a Deo fuisse factas, de quarum origine supernaturali nullo modo constat, caveant Ordinarii locorum ne licentiam concedant edendi vel denuo impremendi opuscula vel scripta quae praedictas promissiones continent.
Datum Romae, ex Aedibus S. Officii, die 28 Ianuarii 1954.Marius Crovini, Supremae S. Congr. S. Officii Notarius
(Translation into English)
Acts of the Holy See Congregation of the Holy Office Warning
In some places, a certain little work has been disseminated called the "Secret of Happiness: 15 Prayers Revealed by the Lord to St. Bridget in the Church of St. Paul at Rome", published at Nice and various other places in several languages. Since it is asserted in this pamphlet that God made to St. Bridget certain promises, whose supernatural origin in no way stands up, let local ordinaries take care not to grant permission for publishing or reprinting pamphlets or other writings which contain these aforementioned promises.
Given at Rome, from the offices of the Holy Office, 28 , January 1954 Marius Crovini, Notary of the Supreme Holy, Congregation of the Holy Office
Some recent publications of the promises (cf: the “Pieta Prayerbook”) have made various claims about past popes approving their publication, however, such claims are quite false. No authentic records of such approvals of the promises themselves exist. It should be noteworthy that it is for this very reason that the “Pieta Prayerbook” does not now, and cannot, carry either the Imprimatur nor the Nihil Obstat.
THERE IS A GOOD, PROPER AND APPROVED BOOK! The book titled “The Magnificent Prayers” is published by TAN publishers. The inside front pages provide an explanation as to why TAN published THIS book, and why they do NOT carry the “Pieta Prayerbook.” Click the link below to learn about and/or order the Magnificent Prayers:
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