Greetings, and Welcome to The Small Shoppe

After the example of my Chestertonian mentor, Dr. R. Kenton Craven, I here offer my ponderings and musings for your edification and/or education.

You are welcome to read what is written here, and encouraged to do so. Appropriate comments may well be posted.

Michael Francis James Lee
The Not-so-Small Shoppe-Keeper

Sunday, May 17, 2009

South Bend Secular University

President B.H. Obama has come and gone from what used to be --at some point in history-- a Catholic University rightly called "The University of Notre Dame." I listened to his speech today, and watched so-called "Catholic" dignitaries applaud him at nearly every strategic pause. In fact, he was "interrupted" more than 20 times by the clapping of once-Catholic hands.

I have come to the conclusion that many "Catholics" simply don't get it when it comes to the sanctity of life. They so want to believe in Mr. Obama, that they willingly set aside the fact that he is the most pro-abortion (and thus the most anti-life) president in our nation's history.

I sat in absolute amazement that these people could swallow the porridge he was feeding them about wanting to reduce the number of abortions. The only reason one could possibly have for really wanting to reduce the number of abortions would be one's recognition that abortion is a "bad thing." Mr. Obama clearly does NOT think so. Judging by his record both in Illinois and in the U.S. Senate--and by his actions thus far as president--Mr. Obama believes that abortion is perfectly fine--if that's what the woman decides to do. The audience at South Bend Secular University (aka; "notre dame") nodded their heads, clapped their hands, and with wild cheers allowed him to "have it both ways."

It is totally incredible (that is "not believable") that President Obama really wants to reduce the number of abortions. He simply wants to have that "drum beat" win him "Catholic support" for his social agenda. His "Catholic" fans will rally behind him to support his economic and social programs -- all with the false promise that giving enough people enough free government money and services will lower the number of abortions. The truth is, it won't. The demand for abortion is not fueled by finances -- it is fueled by a selfish disregard for -- and devaluation of--Life. No amount of money or services will change that.

I am now convinced that the "Change" Mr. Obama seeks to bring is a deepening of the culture of death. His support of abortion (aka; "pro-choice") and his promotion of embryonic stem-cell research prove that he is not an instrument of positive change. One cannot support intrinsic evil, and be "working for the common good."

As an 80-year old priest asked a "notre dame" campus policeman -- as he (the priest) was handcuffed and dragged away on Saturday, May 16th--"What's wrong with your mind? What's wrong with your mind?" The same should be asked of the "catholic" clergy, laity, and students who supported Mr. Obama with their applause.

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